Real life transformations

*Disclaimer - Results may vary from person to person
Q: What have you tried before Skinny Coffee Club?
A:From the age of 16, I’ve done 100s of diets and weight loss fads, everything, you name it, I’ve tried it! I even tried weight loss hypnotherapy never losing more than 2 stone and quickly putting it back on plus loads more, I was seriously beginning to give up hope!
Q: Can you describe the moment you thought ‘I want to lose weight/change my body shape’?
A: I’ve always struggled with my weight, my self-confidence was
nonexistent and I decided I needed to make a change. Seeing photos of
myself on nights out was so upsetting, that was a big push to do
Q: How long have you been trying to lose weight for?
A: From being 16 Iv done 100s of diets and weight loss fads never loosing
more than 2stone and quickly putting it back on plus loads more.
Q: Did you want to lose weight for a specific event/time/holiday/occasion? If so, please explain in as much
detail as possible.
A: My health, I was so unhappy with the way I looked and struggled to
stand all day at work. I'm also now finally in a position to do the great
north run, the weight loss has given me the ability to run and now
there's no stopping me! Now I'm not carrying all that extra weight
exercise is really great fun.
Q: Were you looking to change a particular part of your body?
A: Everything I was completely miserable with the way I looked and was
sick of never finding nice clothes that fit.
Q: How long did it take for you to notice that your body shape was
A:Almost instantly, I changed my diet, I now have a calorie controlled diet.
And started running and doing exercise classes.
Q:How much weight did you want to lose or did you just want to feel
more comfortable with the way you look?
A:I wanted to loose a lot of weight but honestly never thought I'd manage
it Iv tried and failed too many times before.
Q: Have your friends/family/partner noticed that you’ve lost weight?
A:Everyone is shocked by the change in my Weight people don't
recognize me. But everyone is so happy with the change in my
Q: How do you feel now you’ve lost weight? Please describe in as
much detail as possible.
A:Amazing, it sounds over dramatic but it's changed my whole life. Yes I
look completely different but I also feel different. It's little things like
being confident enough to go to the front of an exercise class and not
hide at the back, that's such a big accomplishment for me. I use to sit in
my car so I could run in to class last minute to stay at the back now I
just walk in.
Q: What other things have you tried in the past to lose weight?
A:Everything. You name it Iv tried it! I even tried weight loss hypnotherapy.
*Disclaimer - Results may vary from person to person
* Disclaimer - Results are not guaranteed and vary from person to person. Money back guarantee available on all purchases.
* The views expressed above are the opinion of Skinny Coffee Club Customers, Skinny Coffee Club does not endorse these views, nor should they be regarded as health claims or medical advice.
% results on the homepage of this website are based on the survey of 100 Skinny Coffee Club customers in October 2018. Results are achieved along-side utilisation of our free exercise, healthy eating and diet guide. If you would like access to this guide free of charge please contact us.
* Glucomannan is the only active ingredient that has been recognised by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in relation to weight loss.
Copyright © 2025 Skinny Coffee Club™ Skinny Coffee Club Ltd, Company Number 10188586, 1 Meadlake Place, Thorpe Lea Road, Egham, TW20 8HE United Kingdom
* Glucomannan can contribute to weight loss when used with an energy restricted diet. This beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 3g of Glucomannan in 3 doses of 1g each together with 1-2 glasses of water before meals and in the context of an energy-restricted diet. Make sure to follow with 1-2 glasses of water to ensure substance reaches the stomach. Do not consume the powder dry or with inadequate liquid as it may become a choking hazard. Results may vary from person to person. Please speak with a medical professional prior to starting any weight loss program. DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.